Archives inventory
The Archives are divided into five series:
- Serie Osservazioni astronomiche
- Serie Osservazioni meteorologiche
- Serie storica Specola XVII-XIX secolo
- Serie nuova Specola XVII-XXI secolo
- Fondo Guido Horn d’Arturo
The five series are in turn divided into subseries, with the exception of the Serie storica Specola which maintains the original subdivision in Buste made by Horn d’Arturo.
From the menu at the left it is possible to hierarchically access to the individual series, to the relative subseries (or to the single Buste in the Serie storica Specola)and to the whole inventories which can be searched for up to the smallest archival unit described, which is the individual document in many cases.
The archival reference code comes before the description of the individual unit. It is composed by an indexed hierarchical alphanumeric code, which indicates series, subseries, files, subfiles etc.
The “Search form” (on the left) provides the series containing the inserted string (case insensitive and even partial). After selecting the series, only the relative subseries/buste are expanded and, once selected, the whole inventory of the subseries is shown. Research must be continued through the browser search function (usually Ctrl-F). This helps preserve the archival context of the unit of interest.
A small icon gives access to the digitized documents.